Rabbi Small’s Monthly Message- February ’25

This month, we read Torah portions about the Jewish people’s exile in Egypt. Despite the hardships of exile, Yaacov lived his best years there because he was with his family. When they first arrived in Egypt, Yaacov and his family established a Jewish community that would eventually become the Jewish nation. By building and blessing the first family of Israel, he created a legacy for the Jewish people.

The Jewish people made it through the exile because their families remained together. They found strength in preserving their identity and values, which they passed down through generations. Their resilience, perseverance, and strong sense of self led to their redemption.

Today, Jewish communities around the world continue to thrive because the traditions and legacy first established by Yaacov and his family have continued to pass from generation to generation. By embracing these values and traditions, their legacy continues.

At the JAA, we are proud to embody and uphold these time honored traditions and values. We look for ways to help and uplift those around us, bringing blessing to those we serve in our community. May we continue to carry the legacy and tradition, and bring blessing and goodness to our families, community, and the world around us.

– Rabbi Dovid Small