Rest assured, we at JAA are constantly screening for symptoms of coronavirus, working closely with the Allegheny County Health Department to monitor the situation, receiving and providing updates on prevention and treatment.
We remain committed to our essential work, responsibility, and the importance of protecting those within our care and those within our healthcare workplace.
Our Preparation (ways we remain prepared for what may happen):
- Stay informed about the local COVID-19 situation.
- Revise and review our emergency plans.
- Establish connections with key healthcare and public health partners in the community.
- Remain alert for anyone who may be showing symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.
- Restrict visitors from entering our buildings who show signs of virus or flu or who have traveled to affected areas.
- Encourage everyone to wash their hands upon entering our buildings.
- Have alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water readily available for use by all with whom we interact.
- Increase environmental cleaning especially in high contact areas with additional training provided to environmental staff.
- Call in advance of visits for community-based services to ensure no one in the house we visit has respiratory illness or has traveled to affected areas.
- Encourage anyone we visit through community based services to monitor for symptoms and assist them with seeking additional support through their PCPs.
- Take continual inventory for critical supplies for all services.
- Post information about prevention throughout our buildings.
- Take precautions for healthcare staff who show symptoms to call off sick and, before returning to work, receive clearance from their PCP..
Our Response (what we will do in case of infection):
IF we suspect anyone in our facilities fits the criteria for COVID-19 we will:
- Work with Allegheny County Health Dept to test for suspected viral infection.
- Place the infected person in isolated quarters on the premises.
- Coordinate transportation for person to be taken to the hospital for treatment.
- Assist Health Dept with tracking any contact between the infected person and those with whom they may have interacted.
- Work with hospital to track resident’s results and progress.
- Ensure that food supply can accommodate residents and staff in the case of quaratine.
- Coordinate with Allegheny County Health Department, and follow their direction and protocols.
IF there is one confirmed case of COVID-19 in any of our facilities, we will immediately:
- Isolate the infected person.
- Restrict all visitors to the facility, except in extreme situations.
- Contact the Allegheny County Health Department.
- Along with the Health Department, remove the person from the premises to decrease the spreading of the virus.
- Suspend activities in group settings and keep unit activity enclosed.
- Suspend communal dining and serve food in rooms on trays.
IF, in the highly unlikely event of an outbreak of multiple cases of coronavirus, we will:
- Take instruction from the health department in protocol for quarantine.
- Stop admission to the building and keep staff in the building per instructions of health department.
- Reach out to health coalition and neighboring partner organizations for assistance for supplies and food if needed.
- Utilize unoccupied rooms for staff to shower and rest.
- Management would remain on site in the facility 24-hours-a-day to ensure continuity of care.