Thursday, June 4, 2020
As Allegheny and most surrounding counties in western PA Go Green, many business restrictions are lifted. At JAA and other Long Term Care facilities across the Commonwealth, nothing really changes as we STAY RED for as long as it takes!
What Does STAYING RED Mean for JAA?
Despite everyone going green, JAA carries on as “usual.”
We continue to have:
- Restrictions for going out & coming in
- Testing protocols in place
- Call-off tracking
- Contact tracing
- Handwashing, masking, face shielding, distancing reinforced
- PPE procurement, inventory, deployment
- Optimization of PPE including N-95 fit testing
- Re-deployment of cleaning for “high touch” areas
- Work, travel, symptom screening
- Temps taken every shift
- Masks for staff & residents, every shift
- Face shields for all screeners and direct care employees
- Change from congregate meals to in-rooms w/ throw-away utensils
- Designation of break areas for all business units to eliminate cross over
- Visitation by families through Skype, Facetime
- Window and outdoor visits (new)
- Move-in strategies, minimizing risk of transmission
- Special protocols for Memory Care: masks, distancing, staff supervision
We follow the strict guidance and protocols of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Department of Human Services, PA Department of Health, and the Allegheny County Health Department.
What Does GOING GREEN Mean?
For everyone else, changes under GREEN include:
- All businesses that were previously operating at 50% capacity during the Yellow Phase can now operate at 75% capacity.
- Childcare is approved to open while following specific guidelines.
- Prison and hospital restrictions are determined by each individual facility.
- Large gatherings of more than 250 people are prohibited
- Bars and restaurants can open and operate at 50% capacity
- Personal care services (hair salons, barbershops) can open and operate at 50% capacity and by appointment only.
- Indoor recreation, gyms, and spas can open and operate at 50% capacity.
- Entertainment facilities (casinos, malls, and theaters) can open and operate at 50% capacity
- Construction may return to full capacity while following certain guidelines.