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                                                                                           THE MISSION OF THE JEWISH ASSOCIATION ON AGING IS
                                                                                             TO HONOR AND ENHANCE THE LIVES OF OLDER ADULTS
                                                                                         BY PROVIDING A CONTINUUM OF INDIVIDUALIZED, QUALITY
                                                                                         CARE CONSISTENT WITH JEWISH VALUES AND TRADITION.

                                                          AA Board Officers and Chairs
            OUR LEADERSHIP                              56%

            BOARD MEMBERS AND OFFICERS (BOLD)                                      SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM

            Norman Childs                      Elliott Oshry                       Deborah Winn-Horvitz, President     Linda Simmeth, Senior Director of
            Elizabeth Chow, M.D.               Mitchell Pakler, Immediate Past Chair  & Chief Executive Officer         Human Resources
            Gary Cozen                         Lou Plung                           Mary Anne Foley, Chief Operating    Trent Wilburn, Director of Business
            Karen Wolk Feinstein, Ph.D.        Charles Porter                       Officer                             Development
            Jack Friedman                      Barry Roth                          Jay Sukernek, Chief Financial Officer  RESIDENTIAL SERVICES
            Daphne Gans                        Janice Faller Schermer
            Paula Garret                       Joanne Ross Simon                   Beverly Brinn, Director of          Pearl Averbach, Executive Director,
                                                                                    Development and Community
                                                                                                                        The Residence at Weinberg Village
            H. Arnold Gefsky, Esq.             Howard Sniderman                     Engagement                         Rena Becker, Executive Director,
            Ted Goldberg                       Andrew Stewart, Chair               Amy Dukes, Senior Director of        Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Terrace
            William Goldfarb                   Alec J. Stone                        Memory Care Operations             Amy Dukes, Interim Administrator,
            Steve Halpern, Assistant Secretary  E.J. Strassburger                  Nadine Kruman, Care Navigator        AHAVA Memory Care Residence
            John Katz, Secretary               Judith Tobe 61%                     Tinsy Labrie, Director of Marketing   Keli Schneider, Assistant
            Sue Berman Kress, Ph.D.            Amy Weiss                            and Public Relations                Administrator, AHAVA Memory
            Lynette Lederman, Vice Chair       Katie Whitlatch                     Jen McCay, Executive Assistant to    Care Residence
                                                                                    the CEO
            Philip Lehman, Ph.D.               Deborah Winn-Horvitz, President     Abby Miles, Manager of Business     Phil Ricci, Administrator, Charles
                                                                                                                        M. Morris Nursing & Rehabilitation
            Michael Levin, Treasurer            & CEO                               Analytics                           Center
            Michael Lowenstein                 Members emeritus                    Larry Rubin, Manager of Development  Hanna Steiner, Executive Director,
            Pearl Moore                        Bill Brandeis                       Sharyn Rubin, Director of Resident    The New Riverview Apartments
            Lloyd Myers                        Enid Miller                          & Community Services

                                                                                                                                      2019 Annual Report      1
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