7 particularly in the arts, we can commun- icate with those diagnosed with the most severe forms of Alzheimer’s. JAA’s We Are Art! works with experts in the field of fine arts to enhance the lives of members of our adult day program. It began as a pilot program and consisted of weekly sessions engaging club members in art-making, off-site cultural field trips, and visits from professional artists. The program emphasizes and encourages club members’ individual choice and creativity, and it uses the work of several well-known artists over multiple sessions to guide and inspire members’ creative process. We hope to expand this program in the future across our entire continuum of services. Art, be it painting and sculpture, music, or dance, will be part of all the daily activities within the JAA. According to a preliminary assessment of We Are Art! this unique, diverse art and creative program has added meaning, joy, and a vibrant sense of well-being to the lives of our members living with dementia. Members enjoy describing their art, smile, laugh, and share memories and stories with the group. Members take pride in their work and express positive emotions when collaborating with one another. The JAA arts and culture programing is just one of the many features that makes the JAA so special. This is the time to make support for seniors a priority. Please join us in fulfilling this important mission. ART IS USED AS A BRIDGE TO REACH INTO THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND OTHER FORMS OF DEMENTIA. “Stylish Gal” by Anathan Club member. Mosquera displays members’ art. (Continued from page 5)