July 22, 2021
As COVID restrictions lift, activities at Weinberg Terrace have slowly begun to return to their pre-pandemic schedule.
Residents look forward to regular weekly events such as ice cream socials on Tuesdays, live piano music on Thursdays, and oneg Shabbats with Rabbi Small on Fridays. There is even a regular blackjack game that attracts at least ten regular players! Each Wednesday afternoon at 2:00, volunteer Paula Rubin deals many rousing rounds of blackjack and awards winners with small prizes.
In addition to the regular happenings, residents also have the opportunity to participate in virtual tours of zoos and aquariums, enjoy movie nights, play card games, and visit with Bonnie and Cooper the poodle. Activities Coordinator Julia Mangurten says she tries to have at least one activity with an outside guest each week. This includes speakers, musicians, authors, magicians, and more.
Because of the prominence of the Delta variant of COVID-19, residents have not participated in many community events yet. However, they have been able to partake in some safe activities such as a private showing at The Manor Theater and trips to the farmer’s market across the street. Julia says that they are approaching reopening with “cautious optimism.”
Overall, residents are slowly getting used to a post-pandemic world. Those who are able and comfortable have the freedom to shop in Squirrel Hill, go to the JCC, and visit their families. While others are still a bit hesitant, it is safe to say that all residents at Weinberg Terrace have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of exciting activities every day.